Hello TALP Members:
Being a member of this Association, allows us the opportunity to continue to prove ourselves through education. It also pushes and encourages us to continue to be the best we can be. When I first became involved with this Association, like most of us it was my local chapter that I had the most contact with. I recall looking at some of Waco’s leaders and thinking “wow look at these amazing ladies in our profession.” Then I got to know them and they encouraged me to get more involved locally. I did and loved it. But, you all know these Waco leaders and they did not stop there. They pushed me to get more involved in the State level as a committee chair. I was anxious when I started that but I was determined to not let these ladies down and to prove that I could do it. Serving as your President this year, I am determined not to let myself, them, any of you, or this Association down.
You have heard that my theme is Dazzled Determination. When I think of the word dazzle I think of diamonds. In order for a diamond to form it has to have intense heat and pressure. Well we live in Texas so I would say that we have the intense heat aspect covered. In the legal field there is always pressure whether it be from clients, deadlines, opposing parties, demanding workloads or your attorneys/co-workers. Therefore, since we have heat and pressure we can be diamonds but in order to dazzle you also have to have light. We should shine our light on each other so that our dazzling determination will show to others in this Association and those outside of it as well.
In conclusion, I would like to think all those that have helped, encouraged and supported me in getting here today. I always thank God for my abilities. But there is no way I could do what I do without my family, especially Dale and Jesslyn, and my work family who encourages me to do all these things. I would like to thank all the Waco leaders and members who encouraged me to get involved. Thank you to all of you for having confidence in me. I will always strive to do my best for this Association and not to let any of you down. I am determined to make this a great year and to make this Association dazzle.